
Melancholia (2011)

Year: 2011
Director / Writer: Lars von Trier
Kirstin Dunst, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Kiefer Sutherland

My Rating:
★★ 2 (ムー映画 by 町蔵さん)
Watch Situation: At mom’s home alone
during maternity leave

The expression “Moo Movie” by Machizo-san helped me a lot through the complicated feelings left inside me after I watched this. In first half, it’s OK. I understand that the Lars wanted to focus on the depressed girl who has the battle of her feeling towards her marriage at her big wedding night. Well, this is understandable for me, but in Part 2 the concepts movies to the strange planet called Melancholia. Actually, I didn’t know about story lines at all, so I was like “what?” And I didn’t even notice the name of Lars at this moment. I was like, uh I know his name, I’ve heard it before for sure, he must be one of the famous directors… Then, right after I watched this movie, I felt something strange about this movie, and went straight to the internet and searched about it. Yes, my instinct was right. The director who makes my feeling uncomfortable in a strange way must be him, Lars von Trier. Not that I hate him or his pictures, I just know that his films are not my type. And Melancholia proved it again.

Well as soon as I find out the director, my curiosity to find out the inside of the movie cast away, but I felt immediately that I had to find out inside of Kirstin’s thoughts acting on this movie. And, Yes! There were long interview of her on YouTube (about 30 minutes long).

The Interview

According to this interview, there were couples of discovery that can’t be seen from the movie.

1.    She wanted to be in this film because the director is Lars, the famous one.
2.    She didn’t even know what the ending will be during shooting and it wasn’t big deal for her.
3.    She wants to work with Tarantino
4.    The best movie for this year (at the moment of the interview) was “The Future” directed by Miranda July. (I must go see!)

In my overview of these, Kirstin was the girl that I wanted her to be. I mean she is a especially natural straight girl as seen and talk. She never betrays. Even if she wasn’t an actor, I want to know her as a friend seriously.


Lars and the real girl (2007)

Year: 2007
Director: Craig Gillespie
Writer: Nancy Oliver
Ryan Gosling, Emily Mortimer, Paul Schneider

My Rating:
★★★★★ 5
Watch Situation: At home alone

I really really really like this movie, much my type than Brokeback Mountain. There are so many scenes that I couldn’t help crying. As the writer says in the special feature in the DVD, a man having love doll as his girl friend is just a setting, but this movie is more about the inside of human relationships and about one town gets connected through the doll.
Not just the story is great, but the casts, atmosphere of the story (very calm and warm), music, the ideas and so on. I just had to put this movie in my top 10 list.
I should look up more Canadian films often.


Brokeback Mountain (2005)

Brokeback Mountain

Year: 2005
Director: Ang Lee
Jake Gyllenhaal, Heath Ledger, Michelle Williams, Anne Hathaway

My Rating: ★★★ 3

Watch Situation: At home with husband
Won 3 Oscar 2006

It is very complicated picture for woman to review this, because main cats are both man. I can’t imagine put my feelings on either of them. Maybe I don’t need to think of sex of the main casts in first place, as director says like “this is a pure love story, not a gay movie”. I understand that in my head, but bottom line is that is not possible to think as a man for me who is woman.
My husband’s impression on this movie was “what a deadly and sad story”. Having a thought of “what if he was…” in edge of my head, there were another thoughts inside me that man might think friendship and love are more closely than woman. It’s just my thoughts.

Through all the scenes, the pictures were so beautiful!! The pretty mountain, the dark clear blue sky and wide clouds, and tall green wood in forests….  At the moment I saw the mountain, the picture of Rocky came into me. I once lived near Rocky Mountain. As I saw the picture of the forests in this movie, I guessed that this was Wyoming State because of the shape of the wood. I’m glad that I have a instinct of guessing what state by just looking at the atmosphere, yeah! (BUT!!! According to IMDB, it was pictured in Canadian Rocky…

「ブロークバックマウンテン」というのは、崩壊(ブローク)+ゲイ(アナルセックス=バック)+カウボーイ(山)の組み合わせことばなのかしらね、というのがこの映画を見ながら私が考えていたこと。ま、きっとそんなplay on wordな感覚もあるのでしょう。実在する山ではないようなので。


あとね、とにかく自然がキレイだね。アメリカに行ったことがある人はたくさんいるだろうけど、西部やこういう山があるところまで行ったことがある人は案外少ないんじゃないかな。私はデンバーに住んでいたことがあるから、近郊の村にロデオを見に行ったり、カウボーイダンスをしたり、山に出かけたりなんてよくしていたけれど、本当に山の力ってすごいのよ。ぜひ、中西部のアメリカももっともっと前に出てきてほしいな。旦那なんて「未だにロデオなんてやっているところ、本当にあんの?」って信じてもらえなかったし(笑)。あるよー、NYやLAのような近代都市なんて珍しいほうで、中西部の多くにはまだそんなカウボーイの精神が生息しているんだよー! ぜひ、行ってほしいわ。




東京物語 (小津安二郎監督)

ダイヤルMを廻せ! 原題:Dial M for Murder (アルフレッド・ヒッチコック監督)

Wilby Wonderful (2004)

*searched with the keyword "Ellen Page"


Smart People (2008)

*searched with the keyword "Ellen Page"

Super (2010)

*searched with the keyword "Ellen Page"