Gone Girl 単語 ゴーンガール単語
Urine 尿
Capitulation 降伏
Avenging 復讐
Mousy ネズミのような
Orchestrated 組織化する、結合する、まとめあげる
*Your wife had orchestrated this whole thing.
Vomit 嘔吐物
Hives じんましん
*It must be hives. I get hives when I'm stressed.
Derivative 派生物
Discrepancies 不一致
Obese 肥満した
Decipher 解読
Fib うそ
Morbidly 病的に
Semen 精液
Uvula 口蓋垂
Lentil レンズ豆
Furnace かまど、過酷な試練
*In the furnace. I know you thought you burned it.
Vigil 通夜
Subpoena 召喚状
*The police already submitted a subpoena for the records.
Unorthodox 非正統的な
Ominous 不吉な
Muttered つぶやいた
Smug 独り善がりの
Stow しまい込む、収容する
*I had to find a place to stow the damn thing.
Ambush 待ち伏せ
Demeanor 物腰
Mantra 持説、信念、主張
*I drank more and continued my mantra.
Shove 押し込む
Premeditation 故意
Deflate デフレート
Profusely やたらと
Fainted 気絶
Arcane 難解な
Purgatory 煉獄
Fury 激怒、憤慨
*I felt a momentary spurt of fury, that this woman presumed to tell me what to do in my own home.
Visor サンバイザー
*The "visor hat" comment was a little inside joke...
Hazy かすんだ
Gewgaw 安ピカ物、見かけ倒しの
*... without disturbing any of those gewgaws on that table just outside the kitchen...
Halter (女性の衣類の)ホルタートップ
*...knowing she was asleep, pulled aside her halter strap a bit, and pressed my cheek and palm against her bare shoulder.
Fruition 結実
Ottoman 足のせ大、オットマン、背もたれや肘掛のない長椅子
*Even the heavy antique ottoman was belly-up, its four tiny feet in the air like something dead.
Cachet 名声
Cuckoo カッコウ
Surreal 超現実的な
Nag 口うるさい人
Gnawing かじる
Bespoke オーダーメイドの
Clenched 食いしばっ
Bray (ロバが)耳障りな声で鳴く
*...unnecessarily houd voice, a bit of a bray, like some enchanted, hot donkey.
Shrugs 肩をすくめる
Malaise 沈滞
Severance 切断
Venting (ventで)愚痴る、発散する
*things about my old boss online, everywhere--venting feels great!
Prenup 婚前契約書
*"Not according to the prenum."
Prodigal 浪費家
Sulking (sulkで)不機嫌になる
*No guilt or anger or sulking?...
Dire 悲惨な
Wispy かすかな
Therapeutic 治療の
Imposter 偽者
Ceiling 天井
Damsel 乙女
Antagonize 拮抗する
Insomniac 不眠症の
Disposable 使い捨て
Booze 酒
Nook 隠し場所、片隅
*... then drinks in one of the little nooks Campbell has reserved,...
Acrid 鼻を突く
Frowned 眉をひそめ
Dermatologist 皮膚科医
Schizophrenic 統合失調症の
Peonies シャクヤク
Abrasive 研磨剤
Begrudge ねたむ
Pudgy ずんぐりした
Bumpkins 田舎者
*You two bumpkins probably need me to translate my English Comma, Educated East Coast into English, Comma, Midwest...
Stride (大股の)歩幅、歩き方
*I didn't break my stride, just turned to him and said: A)...
Perched 宙
Patronizing 恩着せがましい
Clobbered 上書きさ
Bedraggled ぬれた
Whiskers 髭
Resurfaces 再浮上
Ruefully 残念そうに
Devoured とりこ
Teakettle やかん
Triplets 三つ子
Cadence 話し方の抑揚、イントネーション、(詩の)リズム
*I saild it all in the cadence of a bedtiem tale: soothing and familiar and repetitive.
Shattered 粉々になった
Cockiness 生意気
Indomitable 不屈の
Mock あざ笑う、冷笑、
*... Giplin said with mock weariness.
Detest 憎む
Wallowed 転げまわる、もがく、ふざける
*You will be seen. I wallowed in bed, which was our New York bed in our new house...