

Year: 2010
Director/Writer: Sophia Coppola
Stars: Stephen Dorff, Elle Fanning

My rating: 4
Watch situation: alone in my room on my PC


The story is about a father and his daughter. The father is an actor and lives alone in a hotel room after divorce, feeling worthless on his life. One day, his daughter was left with him with no idea when her mother is coming back.

ソフィア・コッポラの作品なのでずっと見たかったのだけれど、しばらく後回しになってしまっていました。それが最近Phoenixにハマり始めたのと、Elle Fanningのかわいらしさに急に目覚めたというきっかけで、「見たい!」アクセル発進でやって見たわけです。

I was longing to watch this movie so long because Sophia is the director, but somehow I was missing the chance for a while. Recently, I started to listening Phoenix. The singer is Sophia’s husband. And I’m so into Elle Fanning after I watched Super8. These two factor just came on to me last a few weeks, and became the trigger to watch this movie.


Sophia got the inspiration of this movie after she had her second child. In addition, there are many episodes came from her childhood which she spend a lot of time in a hotel. I guess spending time with her children reminded her of the feeling how she felt at that time.

今、私はElle Fanningに夢中。だから映画についての感想よりも、Elleちゃんのかわいらしさと、それを見出したソフィアのセンスがすごいなと思っているのが今の心境。普段は映画を見ると、結構いろいろストーリーについての感想が残るんだけど、今回はそうじゃなかったな。でもこの映画についてはそれでいいのかなって思う。幼少期の自分を映画としてひとつの作品に仕上げた、それがすごい!、というのがこの映画の感想。

Now, I’m so into Elle Fanning. So my focus was on her more than story itself. Along with Elle, I was so impressed by Sophia’s sense of choosing her for this role. Usually, every time after watching a movie, I have many thoughts, but not this one. And I think that’s acceptable on this one because the achievement of this movie is about making Sophia’s childhood as one piece of movie, an art piece.


 Right after I finished watching this movie, I thought how I would make my childhood as a movie. I think everyone can make their movie. Sophia made one, but it’s not because her experience was special. Because she could find something that connected to her imagination in her world. Her imagination and memories became one movie. I think that is the beauty of this movie.

この間、雑誌を見ながら会話しているカップルの話を聞いていたら、男の子が「それ誰?」、女の子が「エル・ファニングだよ。すっごいかわいーの。I am Samに出てた女の子の妹だよ」って言ってた。そうかー、Elleちゃんは日本でも結構人気者なんだね。その雑誌はソフィア特集の号だったから、その女の子はソフィアのことが好きで読んでいたのよね、きっと。

A week ago, I heard a couple talking in the store. They were looking at magazines. The boy goes “Who is that?”, the girl goes “It’s Elle Fanning. She is so cute. Her sister was on the movie I am Sam”.  Wow, I didn’t know Elle was this popular in Japan too. The magazine the girl was looking at had a feature about Sophia. So maybe she is fan of Sophia too.


Actually, I got a little shock by Elle becoming so famous around in Japan. But there is no doubt that every girl likes the girliness Sophia creates. So at the same time, I was happy to see someone who is inspired by Sophia. I’m sure there are many Sophia’s fans, but not around me, I don’t know why… Well regardless of my friends, I had good time overhearing their talk. (Sorry!)

Elle Fanningのスナップショットがいっぱい映ってるこんなブログも発見しました。この映画の中でアイススケートをしているのだけれど、このブログを見ると普段からバレエや歌のレッスンをたくさんやっているみたいよ。次の作品We Bought a Zoo(監督・キャメロン・クロウ)もとっても楽しみ。邦題がひどくてショックだけれど……。

I found this blog! Many Elle’s pictures from ordinary life to photoshoots. She played ice skating in this movie “Somewhere”, and it was really good. Now I can tell why she is good at many sports and acting. It seems that she has ballet and sing lessen in her schedule. Her outlook going to those lessons are so cute. Anyway, I can’t wait to see her next movie “We Bought a Zoo”, directed by Cameron Crow who is my favorite director too. I just can’t stand the title in Japanese. It’ s horrible…

Wikiによると、彼女は今カルフォルニアの学校に通っているんだって。オルセン姉妹も通っていた学校みたい。こんな芸術ばかり力を入れてくれる学校があるんだ。すごいなー。場所もStudio Cityっていう名前だし。他にも若手の俳優さんとかいそうだよね。

According to wiki, she is attending a school in California, where also Olsen sisters were attended. What a dream school! I mean not the classmates, but the many class for performances, like dance, sing, drama and so on. The city of the school is called Studio City. Maybe there are many up-coming actor and actress in this school.


Well, well, well, I should stop my research here. And I’m off to another movie. See you.