Hi! I just moved here from Hatena blog intended to write blog in English and Japanese. This blog system seems suitable for English. I hope I can keep up my work. My old blog is here.
I'm interested in a lot of things, but if I had to pick some my favorites, it would be, Girls culture, Movies, Comedy, Education, and English learning/teaching method.
By renewing my blog, I feel I can do something fun and exciting. Recently I found some blog that got my curiosity. They are all blogs written by younger generation. They inspired me very much. So I will start with something fun and valuable for me.... a 100 things I want to accomplish!
I'm working on this list. When I got them all, I will put it here and make sure I can see them all the time. Exposing the list may have great affection to push me, so I will do that.
Yeah... it seems pretty fun.!